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Capacitação IBI Furnas – Ciência Cidadã

Presencial (UFMG) ou Online
De 22 Mar até 23 Mar, 2024
Este curso de capacitação abordará o tema Ciência Cidadã, abrangendo experiências e discussões que o entenda de forma ampla, abrangendo uma gama de tipos de parcerias entre cientistas e interessados (as) em ciência, para produção compartilhada de conhecimentos baseados na prática científica e na integração com outros saberes. Serão trabalhadas bases conceituais, apresentadas experiências de diferentes setores (universidade, setor produtivo e educação básica), abordagens e projetos em andamento, visando ampliar a discussão urgente da construção conjunta de soluções ambientais entre pesquisa, gestão e sociedade. Esta é uma iniciativa do projeto IBI-FURNAS - Impacto Líquido Positivo: Integridade Biótica e Monitoramento Participativo para Conservação de Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos na UHE Furnas, financiado pela Eletrobras Furnas, que tem a ciência cidadã como uma das abordagens desenvolvidas na bacia de drenagem do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Furnas.

Seagrass monitoring at Wave Break Island 1+2

Wave Break Island (Australia)

De 22 Mar até 22 Mar, 2024
Join our Ocean Connect marine science team on their fortnightly seagrass survey to actively monitor the status and trends in seagrass conditions around the Gold Coast. This event will be held at Wave Break Island, we will be meeting at the Marine Parade to board a small vessel to travel to Wavebreak island seagrass meadows. Seagrasses are a habitat forming species and they play a critical role in the equilibrium of coastal ecosystems. They provide many key ecosystem services, such as providing a nursery and habitat for animals, preventing coastal erosion and sequestering a large amount of carbon dioxide. 7 species occur in the Gold Coast region and cover an estimated 22% of the Broadwater. It is crucial to monitor these change in order to be able to mitigate widespread loss . Ultimately by protecting the seagrass meadows the wider Gold Coast community will indirectly benefit from the sustained water quality in the Gold Coast Broadwater and surrounding region, ultimately, enhancing recreational fishing, marine tourism and providing the right framework for future generations to enjoy. Participants will be trained in internationally standardized and recognized Seagrass-Watch training and will be briefed on seagrasses ecology, importance and threats before the session. The ongoing monitoring is supported by the City of Gold Coast Catchment and Citizen Science Grant program. This workshop is only suitable for adults over the 16 years of age in order to maintain scientific rigor and safety. This is an outdoor event. Everyone attending must register as spots are limited.

PhD Studentship: Safe listening in music venues: scalable technologies for citizen science and knowledge building

Nottingham, UK

De 19 Mar até 01 Abr, 2024
This studentship is funded by the NIHR (National Institute of Health and Care Research) Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre. The studentship will cover home University rates which includes a stipend of £18,622 per annum and tuition fees. UK/Home students only. Project description: Loud sound has the capacity to excite and injure in equal measure. Through projects such as the World Health Organization’s ‘Make Listening Safe’ initiative, the Audio Engineering Society’s ‘Healthy Ears, Limited Annoyance (HeLa) programme, and the Night Time Industries Association’s ‘Listen for Life’ campaign, there is growing awareness of the need for the professional audio industry to take a pro-active approach to protect audience members’ hearing. Join a dynamic, multi-disciplinary team, that includes lead contributors to some of the above-mentioned projects, to conduct groundbreaking PhD research into how live sound can be made simultaneously safer and better quality, to the benefit of audiences in Nottingham and beyond. As a PhD candidate, you will be involved in setting up long-term sound monitoring systems in local venues, developing a smartphone app that will allow venue goers to contribute their experience of sound quality and hearing symptoms for research, and using data science techniques to improve our understanding of how the details of the sound exposure influence hearing-injury risk and perceived sound quality. We seek highly motivated candidates with a first-class or upper 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent), or an MSc/MA, in audio engineering, acoustics, audiology, computer science, or a relevant scientific discipline. Research experience in hearing, psychology, or a related field will be advantageous, as will demonstrable skills in programming, data science, or app development.

Formação Continuada para Educação em Ciências


De 15 Mar até 31 Mar, 2024
Professores do Paraná podem se inscrever no curso de capacitação continuada no ensino da ciência do Programa Interinstitucional de Ciência Cidadã na Escola (PICCE) de forma gratuita e online. As aulas são ministradas em formato online pela Plataforma da Universidade Virtual do Paraná, com apoio da Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado do Paraná (SEED-PR). O curso terá duração de 60h/aula com abordagem de temáticas que envolvem o letramento midiático, projetos de investigação e feira de ciências. O objetivo do Programa é fomentar a participação colaborativa em que professores e estudantes participem do processo científico na busca de soluções para os problemas da realidade onde estão inseridos. Os certificados serão disponibilizados pela UFPR Aberta, sendo oito horas do curso síncrona e 52 horas EAD. As aulas iniciam em 22 de abril e se encerram em 30 de junho.

Public Engagement and Participatory Research: The Whys and Hows of Implementing Citizen Science in your Research

Milan, Italia

De 14 Mar até 14 Mar, 2024
The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) together with Université Paris Cité/ Learning Planet Institute (UPCité/ LPI), invites you to participate in a joint European Citizen Science (ECS) Workshop at this satellite event. Enriched by the knowledge and personal experiences of three experts in the field, the workshop will focus on the diverse aspects of public engagement and participatory research in the scientific ethos. From deep diving into the importance of engaging citizens in research and its impact on society, we will unveil some of the most common challenges that researchers face while utilising citizen science and the proven ways to combat them.

Great Cocky Count Workshop - Community Citizen Science

Robbos Way Kwinana Town Centre, WA, Australia
De 12 Mar até 12 Mar, 2024
Find out how you can be part of one of the longest running Citizen Science Programs in Australia, and learn about our Black Cockatoos.

From idea to impact: successful citizen science in Belgium

Leuven, Bélgica

De 11 Mar até 11 Mar, 2024
On 11 March, we will explore how to grow a citizenscience project from a vague idea to a successful outcome. Using the concrete cases of Telraam, Plastic Pirates, Isala and Square Meter: Everyone's Archaeologist, we will look for the ingredients for an impactful citizen science project. Moreover, those who have little experience with citizen science can join our 'introduction to citizen science' that precedes this afternoon.

1m2 por los ríos, lagos y embalses

De 09 Mar até 24 Mar, 2024
Esta campaña de ciencia ciudadana y recogida de residuos tiene como objetivo profundizar en el conocimiento de los residuos abandonados que invaden los diferentes entornos fluviales de nuestro país. Esta basuraleza que acaba amenazando a todos los ecosistemas marinos ha sido arrastrada y transportada por los cauces fluviales. Evitar su proliferación en ríos, pantanos y embalses y mejorar el conocimiento científico que se tiene sobre su impacto ambiental es por lo tanto primordial para la conservación de estos espacios naturales. Por ello, LIBERA, además de con esta campaña, colabora con varias confederaciones hidrográficas para actuar sobre las cuencas y de la mano de sus responsables, ahí y en más de 260 Espacios Naturales Protegidos. ¿Te apuntas? Puedes inscribirte entre el 9 de enero y el 4 de marzo de 2024. Antes del 4 de marzo te enviaremos un pack de participación con unas bolsas de basura y unos guantes protectores. También se ofrecerá una formación para los organizadores de los puntos. ¡Te esperamos!

Hands-on Participatory Science Workshop

Greenfield, New Hampshire (EUA)

De 04 Mar até 06 Mar, 2024
This workshop is for teams of 2 to 5 people who have started to conduct, or want to conduct, participatory science projects. As a non-profit partner to Acadia National Park we are particularly interested in supporting projects that increase our scientific understanding of public and privately conserved lands and cultural resources, and the publics’ interest in them. And again – if you don’t have a project, don’t worry, you’ll be helping someone else with theirs while still building your own skills. The workshop will start in the early afternoon on Monday and conclude at lunchtime on Wednesday. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Teams of two to five people are encouraged to apply, but individuals are welcome. Applications for the workshops will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants that are selected to participate will be notified well prior to the workshop so that they can make any necessary travel plans.

Incorporating citizen science, indigenous and traditional knowledge and engaging their producers in overviews and syntheses

Brasilia Palace Hotel, Brasilia, Brazil
De 28 Fev até 28 Fev, 2024
This event is part of the Workshop on Open Synthesis Science in Biodiversity and Climate Change Research. How can we enhance fair and equal collaboration in open synthesis science? This workshop brings together prominent directors, research experts, and thought leaders from the United States and Brazil from Institutions of Higher Education to work together to tackle this question. They will discuss and collaborate on essential topics shaping synthesis and open science in biodiversity and climate change research. We expect an esteemed gathering of approximately 30 experts, fostering an environment conducive to fruitful discussions, networking, and exploring joint science projects. This workshop is part of an agreement between NSF and CNPq, aiming to propel scientific collaboration between both nations. ESIIL, working in collaboration with CNPq’s Brazilian Synthesis Center on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (SinBiose), developed the workshop agenda focusing on stimulating discussion on open and synthesis science and sparking collaborations between researchers from both countries and across synthesis centers. Following the workshop, the event leads will summarize the potential collaborations, key areas of progress, knowledge gaps, and identified challenges and needs to advance open synthesis science in climate change and biodiversity research across scales. ESIIL and SinBiose team members and NSF and CNPq representatives will convene at the CNPq headquarters on the fourth day of the visit to present the workshop outcomes and discuss future opportunities.
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